Sunday, January 14, 2007

Hipatitis, Re-revisited

Here's the other post from my short-lived blog, Hipatitis (December 2005):

It's Hip to Bitch About Hipsters

I'm the first to admit that anti-hipster ranting is more than a common web topic and easier than shooting dead fish in a barrel. But I did some research and learned something about most other allegedly similar ventures -- they're fighting fire with fire. Rather than counter the vanities of hipsterism with honest, unadulterated musings and logic, most anti-hipster propaganda aims to be hipper than the hipsters.

Come on guys, the problem with hipsters isn't the type of clothes they wear or the words they use, but the fact that such surface qualities are the defining points of their existence. Changing the details won't solve the underlying sickness. I suspect that a good portion of the anti-hipster crowd consists of people who were probably called the h-word by others and are looking for a public forum to defend themselves.

If you can't get to the root of the problem, you're only adding to it. Finding out whether you're a true-blue hipster is quite simple, really. Just answer these two questions: Do the clothes make the man? and, Is it hip to be square? OK, here's a third: Is playing said Huey Lewis song at a club night a good idea?

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